With her children  on their own, Molly had more time for herself and was able to focus on activities such as redecorating, listening to her favorite music on CDs and growing roses.  The gardening was a further extension of her green thumb. She had always had lots of house plants and many people commented that her home resembled a jungle inside. Molly also loved the natural environment and hated to see the desecration of the desert.  

Who works in a morgue?

Starting in the 1960s, cremation has become more common than burial in several countries where the latter is traditional. This has included the United Kingdom (1968), Canada (early 2000s), the United States (2016) and Finland (2017). Factors cited include cheaper costs (especially a factor after the 2008 recession), growth in secular attitudes and declining opposition in some Christian denominations.[40]

What are the different types of funeral services?

The cost factor tends to make cremation attractive. Generally speaking, cremation is cheaper than a traditional burial service,[72] especially if direct cremation is chosen, in which the body is cremated as soon as legally possible without any sort of services. However, for some even cremation is still relatively expensive, especially as a lot of fuel is required to perform it. Methods to reduce fuel consumption/fuel cost include the use of different fuels (i.e. natural gas or propane, compared to wood) and by using an incinerator (retort) (closed cabin) rather than an open fire.
If the death has already happened and you do not have time to pre-plan, download a copy of our Funeral Planning Checklist and Planning Form. This comprehensive document will help you gather all the information that you will need when meeting with the funeral service providers you will be working with. Once you make the request we will email you right away with a link to download the document.
Most of us would collapse under the weight of these challenges. But, Luke was so much more than his fragile body conveyed.  Luke accepted  his challenge of cancer in the same way he accepted everything: with remarkable strength, tremendous courage and with an indominatable spirit.  His smile was like the sun coming out from behind a cloud, warming all that it touches. Luke conveyed more joy, contentment and hope than anything we could have imagined possible.  He came to this earth to teach each of us different lessons.   Learn from him, strive to be like him.  Do not let his legacy end. Talk about how his life was short, but touched many.

What does mortuary science consist of?

In the 20th century, cremation gained varying degrees of acceptance in most Christian denominations. William Temple, the most senior bishop in the Church of England, was cremated after his death in office in 1944. The Roman Catholic Church accepted the practice more slowly. In 1963, at the Second Vatican Council Pope Paul VI lifted the ban on cremation,[38] and in 1966 allowed Catholic priests to officiate at cremation ceremonies. This is done on the condition that the ashes must be buried or interred, not scattered. Many countries where burial is traditional saw cremation rise to become a significant, if not the most common way of disposing of a dead body. In the 1960s and 1970s, there was an unprecedented phase of crematorium construction in the United Kingdom[15] and the Netherlands.[39]
The National Cremation Society that my dad had prepaid for was a big help when he passed away this month. Stephen Barreto with the Oviedo office contacted us after he died and was so compassionate, patient and kind to me during such a difficult time. He assured me every step of the way and I appreciated how much of a help he was taking care of all the questions that I never thought of. I highly recommend this company to those making arrangements for their family.

Today, about half of people decide that cremation is the right choice for them. Whether or not to be cremated is a personal decision that only you can make. The best way to make an informed decision is to learn as much as you can about it. We have a comprehensive section of information relating to cremation that can help you understand how the process works and what type of questions you should ask in order to decide what’s right for you. Visit our cremation section.
I knew that making funeral arrangements for my husband would be a very painful task, but Stephan Barreto, at National Cremation in Oviedo, Fl., made the experience pain free. His compassion and understanding are to be commended. From start to finish, he was thorough and never made me feel the pain I felt in my heart. Thank you so much...I am so very grateful.
Ralph was transferred to the U.S. Mint at West Point in NY, on November 3, 2002, and moved to here in New Jersey. In recent years, Ralph became deeply interested in his genealogy. He was fiercely proud of his Scottish heritage, says Ellen. He was also a proud member of the Sons of the American Revolution, and The Mayflower Society, being one of 26 male descendents from the Mayflower. Ralph and Linda traveled often, and their road trips usually included a stop at the National Archives, or stopping in to visit a distant relative he had discovered through his research.

Can you have a funeral without a body?

My mother death was a sudden  shock  to us .She passed away on June 14, 2017 .It was a very difficult moment for all of us in the family! Chris was with us every step of the way even after regular business hours, he did such a fantastic job  from the initial of my 1st call he help  us  to pick up the right  casket till the end of the process On behalf of my family .I would like to thank the entire staff of Oviedo National Cremation & particularly Chris for his professionalism, kindness support .I  would  highly recommend them to others for funeral arrangements
One of my favorite and one of the tenderest moments though came when I was sitting Lucas up on the side of the bed, we were changing the bed, and he reached his right arm around and nuzzled into my shoulder.  He would not stop.  As if I wasn't in love with him enough, it was sealed that day.  I told Adie then that I was simply "crazy in love" with Lucas, and I told her about the hug.  I loved to
As all good warriors are, Ralph was strong and gentle. He gave his all to care for his family. Linda says, “He spoiled me rotten.” And his concern extended to those outside of his family as well, willing to help others in any way he could, almost to a fault. “He would talk to everybody and everybody would talk to him, even if he didn’t want them to”, Linda says. He was the kind of guy who, standing in a supermarket line, the person next to him would tell him their whole life story. His mother-in-law Mary, whom he affectionately called Maude, says he was the best son-in-law, and they had a wonderful relationship. She also remembers how mischievous he was – he used to purposefully annoy her by using her expensive Depression glass coasters as an ashtray.

Can a funeral be held at home?

           With her children  on their own, Molly had more time for herself and was able to focus on activities such as redecorating, listening to her favorite music on CDs and growing roses.  The gardening was a further extension of her green thumb. She had always had lots of house plants and many people commented that her home resembled a jungle inside. Molly also loved the natural environment and hated to see the desecration of the desert.
Though many people want their cremated remains (or "ashes") to be scattered in a personally meaningful place, and some families keep ashes at home, more and more people are finding that a designated place in a cemetery is a lasting alternative to help bring healing and lasting remembrance. Cremation cemetery options include in-ground urn burial, mausoleum entombment, cremation niches, cremation benches and pedestals, columbaria and scattering gardens.
When my mother passed away unexpectedly, my siblings and I were shocked and devastated. She had previously said, "If anything happens to me, look in the hall closet." No one wants to hear or think about that, so the response was always "Nothing is going to happen to you!". Then one day it did. When we went in the closet and found a box with paperwork and an 800 number, the relief was immense. Now we knew, based on a contract signed by her, what her last wishes really were with no second-guessing.

Welcome. I am Elizabeth P______, a Funeral Celebrant. On behalf of the Q____ family, I thank everyone for coming to support the family and to honor the life of Ralph Q______. I also thank the Oakland Funeral Home and Anthony F_______ for their caring service to the family during this emotional time. After the ceremony, the family invites you to join them at the Elm St. Grill, which is just around the corner from here. They also ask you to sign the guestbook. Please take a moment to turn off your cell phones, thank you.
The magnitude 9.0–9.3 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake triggered a series of lethal tsunamis on 26 December 2004 that killed almost 300,000 people, making them the deadliest tsunamis in recorded history. The tsunamis killed people over an area ranging from the immediate vicinity of the quake in Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, and the northwestern coast of Malaysia), to thousands of kilometers away in the Indian subcontinent (Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives), the Horn of Africa (Somalia), and the African Great Lakes (Kenya and Tanzania).

How long does it take for a body to decompose in a coffin?

After everything was said and done, and when we already had my dad’s remains, she called just to see how we were doing to see if we had any more questions which I found to be absolutely beyond my expectations. National Cremation provided top-notch service. I have no complaints and only compliments to them. We were very happy with the service and the help. It was an excellent experience.
           Molly’s first job was at the Tucson Citizen as a proofreader in 1972.  She then moved into the legal field, starting as a secretary.  As she became more knowledgeable, she began doing paralegal work and over the next 30 years worked for several law firms in _______. She became such an expert in personal injury that co-workers went to her for advice, and the word was, “if you need to know something about litigation, ask Molly.” 

Is it a sin to be cremated?

We are not meant to avoid life in fear of death. We are meant to live each moment fully, to connect with our environment and the people in our lives, to share the best of ourselves generously, to have courage, to do what needs to be done, and to practice our deepest convictions. Thus in the end, whenever our time may come, we can face it with peace, satisfied in our hearts that we were human and we really, really lived.

Is it OK to wear jeans to calling hours?

Ralph completed training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training center on July 2, 1993. This was quite an achievement -- at that point he was 43 years old, the training was rigorous and he was competing with 20-something year olds. In 1994, the family moved to Texas, where Ralph got at job at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. During this time, Linda remembers she worked first shift and Ralph worked second shift. When she came home for lunch, he’d have dinner made, and he’d clean up after. She says she could clean the whole house in the amount of time that it took him to clean the kitchen, but that kitchen would be immaculate. John says his Dad was very detail oriented. “It wasn’t about the speed, it was about the quality of the job.”
Here are some ceremonies for moments and occasions that have been neglected as opportunities to express care and love. Whether a funeral or memorial is organized by the religious orientation of the family, or is created to express sanctified and unique expression, there are ideas here to consider. Our Language for the Journey suggests poems, readings, and prayers. Below you'll find templates and ideas for different kinds of end-of-life ceremonies.