5 years later my mother passed at home. The central Florida office came to the house and took care of everything. They removed my mothers jewelry, which I hadn’t even thought of, and took my mother away. Before leaving, he asked me if there were any questions. He stayed and answered all my questions. And, again, they kept me in the loop the whole way. She was delivered back to me by a wonderful woman who listened to me fumble and ramble.

Can you be cremated without a coffin?

Jeanne was one of Luke’s nurses. She writes so, whenever Adie would leave for the night or weekend, and her mom would stay, she would warn us (kiddingly) about making a bunch of decisions.  She (Grandma, Adie's mom), and I had a very close and special connection, and we would do this thing with our fingers and point at each others eyes to let Adie know.. that we were indeed very closely connected.. and were planning things....
           Those sunset moments it turned out were a metaphor for their life together. Molly kept fighting her disease to the end.  She thought she would have more time, she thought she could hold on until a cure was found.  So did her friends and family. Only in middle-of-the-night phone calls with Meghan and her friend Shaye would she admit that she was scared.  Despite considerable pain from the disease that was spreading through her body, Molly continued  working until October.

If you are looking for an establishment to walk you through the entire process of the loss of a loved one, with the very minimum of stress, call these people.  Stephen and staff are incredible.  The had answers to all of our questions, were extremely respectful, very kind, and took charge on many of the behind the scenes steps.  The professionalism and kindness allowed us to focus on grieving for our mother, and not get caught up in paperwork.
Having been our first experience with National Cremation & Burial Society, I must say it was superior. Everything was explained in detail, no question was left unanswered, no request was unreasonable. The patience and understanding from Elizabeth Franco was incredible. Nothing was ever an issue. Elizabeth went above and beyond to assist our family and see to it that we had everything we needed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
When you arrived you received a stone, these are called blessing stone’s, Luke loved ‘rocks’, he often gave them to his parents for gifts. Since we desire so much for this family, I ask that you think about a wish or a blessing that you have for Ben, Adrienne and Joshua and at the end of the ceremony please place your stone in the vase in the hallway, they will display the vase in their home and think of all your warm thoughts.

In the United States federal law does not dictate any container requirements for cremation. Certain states, however, may require an opaque or non-transparent container of all cremations. This can be a simple corrugated-cardboard box or a wooden casket (coffin). Most casket manufacturers provide lines of caskets that are specially built for cremation.[citation needed] Another option is a cardboard box that fits inside a wooden shell, which is designed to look like a traditional casket. After the funeral service, the box is removed from the shell before cremation, permitting the shell to be re-used.[47] Funeral homes may also offer rental caskets, which are traditional caskets used only during the services, after which the bodies are transferred to other containers for cremation.[citation needed] Rental caskets are sometimes designed with removable beds and liners, which are replaced after each use.[citation needed]
However, more recent LDS publications have provided instructions for how to dress the deceased when they have received their temple endowments (and thus wear temple garments) prior to cremation for those wishing to do so, or in countries where the law requires cremation. Except where required by law, the family of the deceased may decide whether the body should be cremated, though the Church "does not normally encourage cremation."[104]
I also admire him because of the KIND of father he was to us (my brother and me).  Yes, he loved us… very much.  But he also instilled in us a core value system that defined who HE was.  And that, was a man who kept promises.  Honored commitment.  He was a man of integrity.  Whenever we stumbled, he could have accepted our bitching & moaning and advised us to take the easy way out and quit.  But he’d have none of THAT.  He fully expected us to see things through, all the way to the end without drama.  “Do it.  It just needs to be done.” he’d always say to me.

Do they take your organs out when you die?
