When you have experienced the loss of a loved one, you can trust us to guide you through the arrangements necessary to create a meaningful ceremony that celebrates the unique life being honored. Our staff is committed to providing the highest quality care and service in your time of need, and we take pride in our responsibility to lighten your burden as you take the first steps toward healing.

How long do funeral services take?

When you arrive at the cemetery, a cemetery representative will meet you and give you the deceased’s burial documents. They’ll lead you, and others who are gathered to honor the deceased, to a committal shelter. The committal service takes place at this location, not at the gravesite, and lasts for about 20 minutes. The burial happens after the committal service.
We mourn our loss of a good husband, father, grandfather, father-in-law, son-in-law, and friend. There is a sense of unfairness that Ralph’s life would end just a couple of years before retirement, which he had many plans for. We mourn his dreams that will never be fulfilled. An old proverb says that: “Life is short, but wide”. Ralph’s life may have been shorter than we hoped it would be, but it was crafted meticulously with his own hands and filled wide with many, many happy moments spent with his family, whom he deeply loved.
Celebrant: In the words of Ralph’s favorite hero, John Wayne: “A man’s got to have a code, a creed to live by, no matter his job.” Ralph was a man who had a clear sense of right and wrong, and was consistent in what he believed. In his life and his work, Ralph lived the core values that are the Marine character – honor, courage and commitment. Perhaps it was also his proud Scottish heritage shining through, an ancient lineage of great warriors singing in his blood.
           As I finish I want to share one vision that I have had in my mind these past few days that has given me much comfort…..as Luke lay in his hospital bed preparing to depart from this world, I could hear Luke say to God, “Can I come over?’ and then God reaching out to Lucas saying, “Yes, precious Lucas, please come play and bloom in my garden.”
We mourn our loss of a good husband, father, grandfather, father-in-law, son-in-law, and friend. There is a sense of unfairness that Ralph’s life would end just a couple of years before retirement, which he had many plans for. We mourn his dreams that will never be fulfilled. An old proverb says that: “Life is short, but wide”. Ralph’s life may have been shorter than we hoped it would be, but it was crafted meticulously with his own hands and filled wide with many, many happy moments spent with his family, whom he deeply loved.

The ash remaining represents very roughly 3.5% of the body's original mass (2.5% in children). Because the weight of dry bone fragments is so closely connected to skeletal mass, their weight varies greatly from person to person. Because many changes in body composition (such as fat and muscle loss or gain) do not affect the weight of cremated remains, the weight of the remains can be more closely predicted from the person's height and sex (which predicts skeletal weight), than it can be predicted from the person's simple weight.
Is there such a thing as a good funeral? After all, someone has died. We believe that a good funeral is a meaningful one. A life is commemorated, friends express their condolences, and a grieving family is comforted. The ceremony can take many forms, there is no right or wrong way to do it. There could be music and prayers, tears and laughter. At its conclusion, there is a general feeling that it was a fitting send off.
           The apprentice was so excited to be left alone in the garden.  Each day he watered and fertilized each plant ever so carefully and gently.  He was especially fond of the amaryllis plant.  This plant was special because he knew it was going to bloom this dazzling red bloom around Christmas.  He so loved waking up each day to see how far the amaryllis had grown.  One day as he was tending to all the plants he noticed the amaryllis bud was ready to bloom, and he was for sure that tomorrow morning when he awoke he would get to see the glorious red bloom of the Christmas amaryllis.  The whole day was filled with anticipation and excitement to what the next day would bring.  The apprentice could hardly sleep.
When you arrive at the cemetery, a cemetery representative will meet you and give you the deceased’s burial documents. They’ll lead you, and others who are gathered to honor the deceased, to a committal shelter. The committal service takes place at this location, not at the gravesite, and lasts for about 20 minutes. The burial happens after the committal service.

           But that did not defeat her.  In May of 2003, Molly, Meghan and Colter traveled to Cozumel together for a week. She was a nervous traveler, but her kids – who had more experience in this arena than she – were able to calm and reassure her. Once in Mexico, they had a glorious vacation together – enjoying each other even more as they realized how precious and tenuous life can be. The three of them snorkeled in the warm turquoise water, visited  the Mayan ruins at Chichen Itza and every night watched the sunset together.
