I have a story that I would like to share with you all today…..There was an apprentice gardener whot had just been selected to work in the Master Gardener’s garden.  The Master Gardener took great care and consideration in selecting the apprentice that would be working with him and all of His wonderful blooms throughout His garden.  The Master Gardener knew this selected apprentice was the best for the job to care and nurture for His precious flowers.  After several weeks of training, the Master Gardner decided to leave for awhile and let the apprentice take care of the blooms in His garden. 
A cremator is not designed to cremate more than one human body at a time. Crematoria may occasionally make exceptions for cases such as still-born twins, or a baby and mother who died during childbirth.[citation needed] The chamber where the body is placed is called a cremation chamber or retort and is lined with heat-resistant refractory bricks. Refractory bricks are designed in several layers. The outermost layer is usually simply an insulation material, e.g., mineral wool. Inside is typically a layer of insulation brick, mostly calcium silicate in nature. Heavy duty cremators are usually designed with two layers of fire bricks inside the insulation layer. The layer of fire bricks in contact with the combustion process protects the outer layer and must be replaced from time to time.[45]

Ralph eventually grew tired of living in the suburbs and so in 1985, they moved to Goodrich, where he had purchased 5 acres of land. Linda says that Ralph was in his glory there. He had a huge vegetable garden, and as usual his goal to remodel one room turned into remodeling the entire house. Ralph loved to build, and was very handy. Then his shoulder was badly hurt on the job during a fight with prisoners; and he had to quite his job, so as not to risk hurting his shoulder again.
Our compassionate experts can walk you through every step of the cremation process, including the care for and preparation of the body (which varies depending on religious requirements and type of service chosen), planning a unique funeral or memorial service that reflects the individual, choosing a burial option and selecting family keepsakes. We offer cremation packages to fit your family tradition, personal wishes and budget.

The cost of pet cremation depends on location, where the cremation is done, and time of cremation. The American Humane Society's cost for cremation of 22.5 kg (50 lb). or less pet is $110 while 23 kg (51 lb). or more is $145. The cremated remains are available for the owner to pick up in seven to ten business days. Urns for the companion animal range from $50 to $150.[126]

Do you have clothes on when you are cremated?

In early Roman Britain, cremation was usual but diminished by the 4th century. It then reappeared in the 5th and 6th centuries during the migration era, when sacrificed animals were sometimes included with the human bodies on the pyre, and the deceased were dressed in costume and with ornaments for the burning. That custom was also very widespread among the Germanic peoples of the northern continental lands from which the Anglo-Saxon migrants are supposed to have been derived, during the same period. These ashes were usually thereafter deposited in a vessel of clay or bronze in an "urn cemetery". The custom again died out with the Christian conversion of the Anglo-Saxons or Early English during the 7th century, when Christian burial became general.[10]
    I will miss Luke losing his Spiderman at my house and needing to bring some toy home until we found it, or just bringing home a toy because he knew we would let him. We would get a kick out of watching him play play station with Jeff and Josh and knowing the controller was not hooked up but he thought he was playing anyway.I could go on and on about what we will miss about Luke our family has a lot of memories,a lot of laughs,and a lot of cries.
Suzie was born in 1977, and John in 1978. That same year, the family moved to Commerce and Ralph built a house there. Suzie and John’s earliest memories are of this house and its construction. Suzie remembers playing in the yard. John remembers the time they dug a hole in the backyard, and Ralph drove his tractor into it, not knowing the hole was there; and how they had to pull the tractor out. Linda says Ralph had the patience of a saint with the kids-- both their own, and the neighborhood kids. In the Fall, the maple trees on their property would shed tons of leaves. The kids would come to rake, but end up jumping and playing in the piles. Ralph would say nothing, and the next day, clean up the leaves properly. During this time, Ralph also went to college on the GI bill, and worked full time while attending school full time. John says his Dad would lock himself in the bedroom to study. Linda remembers how Ralph struggled with English and she helped him. As was consistent with his dedicated personality, Ralph persevered and received his two-year degree from Oakland Community College, with honors.

What happens when a family can't afford a funeral?

After my father's passing from an accidental fall, my sister and I were not only hurting profoundly but were very confused as to what was going to happen in the next few days. The day after his passing we reached out to Ms. Mallory Johnson with the Oviedo, FL branch of National Cremation & Burial Services. After answering a lot of our immediate questions, we scheduled an appointment for the next day. It takes a special person to put you at ease at a moment as difficult as your father's passing. Mallory did just that. My sister, my cousin and... Read More
The cost of pet cremation depends on location, where the cremation is done, and time of cremation. The American Humane Society's cost for cremation of 22.5 kg (50 lb). or less pet is $110 while 23 kg (51 lb). or more is $145. The cremated remains are available for the owner to pick up in seven to ten business days. Urns for the companion animal range from $50 to $150.[126]
After my father’s passing from an accidental fall, my sister and I were not only hurting profoundly but were very confused as to what was going to happen in the next few days. The day after his passing we reached out to Ms. Mallory Johnson with the Oviedo, FL branch of National Cremation & Burial Services. After answering a lot of our immediate questions, we scheduled an appointment for the next day. It takes a special person to put you at ease at a moment as difficult as your father’s passing. Mallory did just that. My sister, my cousin and I had the whole process explained in detail and every one of our questions was answered with patience, compassion and a clear understanding of the pain we were going through. We could not have chosen a better person to help us get through what we thought was going to be a horrible process. With Mallory’s help, we understood exactly what was going to happen, who was going to be involved and when it was going to take place. With a job like Mallory’s you have to have a vocation and a deep love for what you do, and she certainly does. I also have to say that I was deeply touched by the fact that every time I called, Miranda at the front desk would greet me by name. That was a special and personal touch that I appreciated very much. You guys did a wonderful, special job that we will always appreciate and remember. You were all there for us when we needed it the most. Thank you so, so much. Scott, Michelle, and Jackie

Ralph was transferred to the U.S. Mint at West Point in NY, on November 3, 2002, and moved to here in New Jersey. In recent years, Ralph became deeply interested in his genealogy. He was fiercely proud of his Scottish heritage, says Ellen. He was also a proud member of the Sons of the American Revolution, and The Mayflower Society, being one of 26 male descendents from the Mayflower. Ralph and Linda traveled often, and their road trips usually included a stop at the National Archives, or stopping in to visit a distant relative he had discovered through his research.

Can you have a funeral without a body?

           With her children  on their own, Molly had more time for herself and was able to focus on activities such as redecorating, listening to her favorite music on CDs and growing roses.  The gardening was a further extension of her green thumb. She had always had lots of house plants and many people commented that her home resembled a jungle inside. Molly also loved the natural environment and hated to see the desecration of the desert.

How can I have a cheap funeral?

On August 13th of this year, Ralph was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. He did not ask for a prognosis, preferring to let the remainder of his life come to its own natural end in its own time. Ralph faced his death with the same calm acceptance and courage with which he embraced life. His co-workers were a wonderful support during this time. When Ralph’s sick leave ran out, they donated their sick leave, so that he would continue to have income. Linda says that he never complained of pain, and she almost had to force him to take his pain medicine.

Is there such a thing as a good funeral? After all, someone has died. We believe that a good funeral is a meaningful one. A life is commemorated, friends express their condolences, and a grieving family is comforted. The ceremony can take many forms, there is no right or wrong way to do it. There could be music and prayers, tears and laughter. At its conclusion, there is a general feeling that it was a fitting send off.
           With her children  on their own, Molly had more time for herself and was able to focus on activities such as redecorating, listening to her favorite music on CDs and growing roses.  The gardening was a further extension of her green thumb. She had always had lots of house plants and many people commented that her home resembled a jungle inside. Molly also loved the natural environment and hated to see the desecration of the desert.
Robin Fisher and all the staff at the Oviedo location are consummate professionals who are a credit to their calling. You have taken care of our family for the second time and we cannot press our thanks adequately. Most of my family members are signed up with national Cremation secure in the knowledge that when our time comes they will take care of our families. Mike

           Molly grew up in  northern California town, but spent her middle school and early high school years in Connecticut. Early on she showed evidence of the lively spirit that was her signature throughout her life. She was a tomboy, climbing trees, hiking in the woods and running around – once ending up on crutches for six months. She adored horses and always chose to go to ranch-style summer camps. During the summers when the family lived in the East, she and Bridget had a farm stand, selling corn and tomatoes from the family garden. By her senior year, the family moved back to California and Molly finished up at Saint Vincent High School  in Petaluma.
Venessa, joined National Cremation & Burial Society in June of 2017. She is the proud mother of a 15 year old boy and is engaged to be married in 2020. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications as well as a Master’s in Business Administration. When she is not working she moonlights as an event manager, in addition to donating her time with various volunteer organizations.
Cremation may serve as a funeral or post-funeral rite and as an alternative to the burial or interment of an intact dead body. In some countries, including India and Nepal, cremation on an open-air pyre is an ancient tradition. Starting in the 19th century, cremation was introduced or reintroduced into other parts of the world. In modern times, cremation is commonly carried out with a closed furnace (cremator), at a crematorium.
A cremator is an industrial furnace that is able to generate temperatures of 871–982 °C (1,600–1,800 °F) to ensure the disintegration of the corpse.[41] Modern cremator fuels include oil,[42] natural gas, propane, and, in Hong Kong, coal gas.[43] Coal and coke were used until the early 1960s.[citation needed] Modern cremators automatically monitor their interior to tell when the cremation process is complete and have a spyhole so that an operator can see inside.[44] The time required for cremation varies from body to body, with the average being 90 minutes for an adult body.[44]
Welcome. I am Elizabeth P______, a Funeral Celebrant. On behalf of the Q____ family, I thank everyone for coming to support the family and to honor the life of Ralph Q______. I also thank the Oakland Funeral Home and Anthony F_______ for their caring service to the family during this emotional time. After the ceremony, the family invites you to join them at the Elm St. Grill, which is just around the corner from here. They also ask you to sign the guestbook. Please take a moment to turn off your cell phones, thank you.

In the 20th century, cremation gained varying degrees of acceptance in most Christian denominations. William Temple, the most senior bishop in the Church of England, was cremated after his death in office in 1944. The Roman Catholic Church accepted the practice more slowly. In 1963, at the Second Vatican Council Pope Paul VI lifted the ban on cremation,[38] and in 1966 allowed Catholic priests to officiate at cremation ceremonies. This is done on the condition that the ashes must be buried or interred, not scattered. Many countries where burial is traditional saw cremation rise to become a significant, if not the most common way of disposing of a dead body. In the 1960s and 1970s, there was an unprecedented phase of crematorium construction in the United Kingdom[15] and the Netherlands.[39]
When my mother passed away unexpectedly, my siblings and I were shocked and devastated. She had previously said, "If anything happens to me, look in the hall closet." No one wants to hear or think about that, so the response was always "Nothing is going to happen to you!". Then one day it did. When we went in the closet and found a box with paperwork and an 800 number, the relief was immense. Now we knew, based on a contract signed by her, what her last wishes really were with no second-guessing.
The staff at the National Cremation and Burial Society Oviedo is actively involved in the community, working closely with local hospice organizations, hospitals, assisted living facilities and nursing homes. They participate in various church affiliations and have maintained a AAA rating with the Better Business Bureau. We are a full service funeral home, providing cremation and burial services, and serve Seminole, Orange, Volusia, Polk, Brevard, Lake, and Osceola counties.
If the death has already happened and you do not have time to pre-plan, download a copy of our Funeral Planning Checklist and Planning Form. This comprehensive document will help you gather all the information that you will need when meeting with the funeral service providers you will be working with. Once you make the request we will email you right away with a link to download the document.
As all good warriors are, Ralph was strong and gentle. He gave his all to care for his family. Linda says, “He spoiled me rotten.” And his concern extended to those outside of his family as well, willing to help others in any way he could, almost to a fault. “He would talk to everybody and everybody would talk to him, even if he didn’t want them to”, Linda says. He was the kind of guy who, standing in a supermarket line, the person next to him would tell him their whole life story. His mother-in-law Mary, whom he affectionately called Maude, says he was the best son-in-law, and they had a wonderful relationship. She also remembers how mischievous he was – he used to purposefully annoy her by using her expensive Depression glass coasters as an ashtray.
When you arrive at the cemetery, a cemetery representative will meet you and give you the deceased’s burial documents. They’ll lead you, and others who are gathered to honor the deceased, to a committal shelter. The committal service takes place at this location, not at the gravesite, and lasts for about 20 minutes. The burial happens after the committal service.
I called National Cremation from the hospital when my wife unexpectantly passed away. A representative met me at the hospital within an hour to get the process started. A day later I met with Stephen ** who was extremely helpful in guiding me through the cremation process. He was very professional, knowledgeable, caring, and friendly which made the task so much easier. His help and that of the staff at the Memorial Service was simply outstanding.
Planning a personalized cremation funeral or memorial is an event unlike any other. We created a guide to help you understand all of your cremation options and how to plan a truly memorable event. Understanding Cremation—A Complete Guide is free, and it will help you start planning today. Then, when you are ready, a Dignity Memorial provider will be there to walk you through every step of the cremation process.
Born January 28, 1950 to Ralph and Jeanne Lorraine King, Ralph grew up on a farm in Flint, Michigan - a very small town where he also attended a 2-room schoolhouse. He had two sisters, Marg and Bonnie, and a brother, Jerry. Ralph was tempered by the hard life he had. It is said that when he went to sleep at night he had a glass of water on his nightstand, and when he woke up, the glass was full of ice. That says a lot about the hardiness, strength and endurance he had to develop. In his youth, he learned how to work hard and demonstrated self-discipline by raising horses all on his own, working jobs and bartering to get them. His love of coffee began at age 9 -- after he’d do his morning chores in the barn, he’d come into the house and his mom would give him a cup. On a farm, there are so many tasks that just have to get done, no questions asked.  Being a farmer, Ralph loved John Deere tractors, the best tractors in the world of course.

           With her children  on their own, Molly had more time for herself and was able to focus on activities such as redecorating, listening to her favorite music on CDs and growing roses.  The gardening was a further extension of her green thumb. She had always had lots of house plants and many people commented that her home resembled a jungle inside. Molly also loved the natural environment and hated to see the desecration of the desert.

Who works in a morgue?
