Jeanne was one of Luke’s nurses. She writes so, whenever Adie would leave for the night or weekend, and her mom would stay, she would warn us (kiddingly) about making a bunch of decisions.  She (Grandma, Adie's mom), and I had a very close and special connection, and we would do this thing with our fingers and point at each others eyes to let Adie know.. that we were indeed very closely connected.. and were planning things....
Following more acquisitions through the years, Baldwin-Fairchild Cemeteries & Funeral Homes now consist of 10 chapel locations and 4 cemeteries serving all of the Greater Orlando area. Richard has always believed that families, regardless of their faith, social status or circumstances, deserve unwavering respect and dignity throughout the entire funeral process. It is that principle which has earned the Baldwin-Fairchild group of cemeteries and funeral homes their excellent reputation. At Baldwin-Fairchild, we strive to provide the finest cemeteries and the most caring ceremonies for every family we serve.
He was so feisty, that when the symptoms started, even when he was dizzy or could barely walk, he would still play on his swing set. Luke wanted to play, he needed to be where the action was.  He hated being sick, he would be so sick at home with his pink puke bucket, he could hardly walk and was so tired. Adrienne said, “I would take him to the doctor and he would put on an act, somehow pass all the neurological test. I would swear to the doctor he was sick. As soon as we would get to the elevators, he would break down again, he did not want to admit to being ill.”
Jeanne was one of Luke’s nurses. She writes so, whenever Adie would leave for the night or weekend, and her mom would stay, she would warn us (kiddingly) about making a bunch of decisions.  She (Grandma, Adie's mom), and I had a very close and special connection, and we would do this thing with our fingers and point at each others eyes to let Adie know.. that we were indeed very closely connected.. and were planning things....
An early Methodist tract titled Immortality and Resurrection noted that "burial is the result of a belief in the resurrection of the body, while cremation anticipates its annihilation."[98] The Methodist Review noted that "Three thoughts alone would lead us to suppose that the early Christians would have special care for their dead, namely, the essential Jewish origin of the Church; the mode of burial of their founder; and the doctrine of the resurrection of the body, so powerfully urged by the apostles, and so mighty in its influence on the primitive Christians. From these considerations, the Roman custom of cremation would be most repulsive to the Christian mind."[99]

What does it mean to embalm a body?

On August 13th of this year, Ralph was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. He did not ask for a prognosis, preferring to let the remainder of his life come to its own natural end in its own time. Ralph faced his death with the same calm acceptance and courage with which he embraced life. His co-workers were a wonderful support during this time. When Ralph’s sick leave ran out, they donated their sick leave, so that he would continue to have income. Linda says that he never complained of pain, and she almost had to force him to take his pain medicine.
Cremated remains may also be incorporated, with urn and cement, into part of an artificial reef, or they can also be mixed into paint and made into a portrait of the deceased. Some individuals use a very small amount of the remains in tattoo ink, for remembrance portraits. Cremated remains can be scattered in national parks in the United States with a special permit. They can also be scattered on private property with the permission of the owner. A portion of the cremated remains may be retained in a specially designed locket known as cremation jewelry, or even blown into special glass keepsakes[66] and glass orbs.[67] The cremated remains may also be entombed. Most cemeteries will grant permission for burial of cremated remains in occupied cemetery plots that have already been purchased or are in use by the families disposing of the cremated remains without any additional charge or oversight.
           With her children  on their own, Molly had more time for herself and was able to focus on activities such as redecorating, listening to her favorite music on CDs and growing roses.  The gardening was a further extension of her green thumb. She had always had lots of house plants and many people commented that her home resembled a jungle inside. Molly also loved the natural environment and hated to see the desecration of the desert.

Who works in a morgue?

           In this story, figuratively, God is the Master Gardner and each one of us is his special plants.  And those of us that are blessed enough to be called parents are the apprentices.  And similar to this story God perfectly selected Luke’s parents to nurture and love him in Ben and Adie.  Many of us are lucky enough to see the sprouts, buds and blooms of our plants while we are here on earth; however some plants like precious Lucas, the Lord has taken home to see him bloom in his garden.
Planning a personalized cremation funeral or memorial is an event unlike any other. We created a guide to help you understand all of your cremation options and how to plan a truly memorable event. Understanding Cremation—A Complete Guide is free, and it will help you start planning today. Then, when you are ready, a Dignity Memorial provider will be there to walk you through every step of the cremation process.
In 1976 Ralph and Linda moved back to Michigan, where he still had difficulty finding a job. Linda became pregnant with Suzie, and Ralph took a job as deputy sheriff for the jail in Oakland County. At that point he didn’t necessarily want to be a corrections officer, he just wanted to support his family. Linda says that because of the kind of man he was, the deputy job suited him perfectly.
The Holocaust furnaces were supplied by a number of manufacturers, with the best known and most common being Topf and Sons as well as Kori Company of Berlin,[36] whose ovens were elongated to accommodate two bodies, slid inside from the back side. The ashes were taken out from the front side.[37] The furnaces were also unique, in that they were of a "stand alone" type, meaning that there was no visible duct work for the exhaust gases. These furnaces, based around a design commonly used for hospital incinerators, instead vented the gasses down through a series of ducts embedded in the floor, with the help of a draft fan located at the far end of the structure. Once outside, the gasses then rose through a free standing chimney, most notable for the fact that it was not directly attached to the structure of the building itself, nor had a visible duct leading into it.
Ralph eventually grew tired of living in the suburbs and so in 1985, they moved to Goodrich, where he had purchased 5 acres of land. Linda says that Ralph was in his glory there. He had a huge vegetable garden, and as usual his goal to remodel one room turned into remodeling the entire house. Ralph loved to build, and was very handy. Then his shoulder was badly hurt on the job during a fight with prisoners; and he had to quite his job, so as not to risk hurting his shoulder again.

I was fortunate enough to have Stephen Barreto assist me in making cremation arrangements for my husband, Robert H. Shaffer. Mr. Barreto was efficient and professional. He even arranged for the service at Cape Canaveral National Memorial Cemetery, in Mims, Florida. During this difficult time, his constant vigilance put my mind at ease. I would highly recommend National Cremation Services and Mr. Barreto to my friends and family. THANK YOU, MR. BARRETO!
The magnitude 9.0–9.3 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake triggered a series of lethal tsunamis on 26 December 2004 that killed almost 300,000 people, making them the deadliest tsunamis in recorded history. The tsunamis killed people over an area ranging from the immediate vicinity of the quake in Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, and the northwestern coast of Malaysia), to thousands of kilometers away in the Indian subcontinent (Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives), the Horn of Africa (Somalia), and the African Great Lakes (Kenya and Tanzania).

How long does it take for a body to decompose in a coffin?

The purpose of this website is to offer an affordable direct cremation service to families in the Orlando area. Compassionate Cremations Inc. is a family owned crematory. Owned and operated by Greg Banfield (licensed funeral director) and Korey Banfield (Licensed Direct Disposer). Our goal is to serve every family with the utmost care and respect during perhaps the hardest times of their lives.
Now hot sauce in his coffee was another matter entirely - Ralph loved spicy food. Yes, he would put hot sauce in his coffee, and salt in his soy sauce. Suzie and her husband Michael remember the time they made fresh hot pepper powder for Ralph – they baked and ground the pepper, it was so strong they had to come back an hour later wearing masks to finish the job. In the end, Ralph tasted the powder and said: “It’s a little warm.” Dennis remembers with delight that he broke the record and finally found a hot sauce that was too hot for Ralph. He had given it to Ralph who tried it, brought it back the next day, and humbly grumbled, “I can’t eat this.” 
Most of us would collapse under the weight of these challenges. But, Luke was so much more than his fragile body conveyed.  Luke accepted  his challenge of cancer in the same way he accepted everything: with remarkable strength, tremendous courage and with an indominatable spirit.  His smile was like the sun coming out from behind a cloud, warming all that it touches. Luke conveyed more joy, contentment and hope than anything we could have imagined possible.  He came to this earth to teach each of us different lessons.   Learn from him, strive to be like him.  Do not let his legacy end. Talk about how his life was short, but touched many.
I also admire him because of the KIND of father he was to us (my brother and me).  Yes, he loved us… very much.  But he also instilled in us a core value system that defined who HE was.  And that, was a man who kept promises.  Honored commitment.  He was a man of integrity.  Whenever we stumbled, he could have accepted our bitching & moaning and advised us to take the easy way out and quit.  But he’d have none of THAT.  He fully expected us to see things through, all the way to the end without drama.  “Do it.  It just needs to be done.” he’d always say to me.
The Baha'i Faith forbids cremation, "He feels that, in view of what ‘Abdu’l-Bahá has said against cremation, the believers should be strongly urged, as an act of faith, to make provisions against their remains being cremated. Bahá’u’lláh has laid down as a law, in the Aqdas, the manner of Bahá’í burial, and it is so beautiful, befitting and dignified, that no believer should deprive himself of it."
Debra and the team at the Oviedo, Florida location were the best group of people I have ever had the opportunity to meet. My father preplanned his cremation with The National Cremation Society Oviedo office and when it came time to use the services they were great. I could not have had better service provided with compassion and kindness. All my questions were answered and each time I had to reach out to them I was provided with the utmost professionalism and immediate response. I could not be more pleased with the service and care provided during my family’s great loss of our loved one. Debra and all the Oviedo, Florida staff are simply the very best. Thank you all, Mike B.
My mother death was a sudden  shock  to us .She passed away on June 14, 2017 .It was a very difficult moment for all of us in the family! Chris was with us every step of the way even after regular business hours, he did such a fantastic job  from the initial of my 1st call he help  us  to pick up the right  casket till the end of the process On behalf of my family .I would like to thank the entire staff of Oviedo National Cremation & particularly Chris for his professionalism, kindness support .I  would  highly recommend them to others for funeral arrangements
The body is required to be inside a coffin or a combustible container.[44] This allows the body to be quickly and safely slid into the cremator. It also reduces health risks to the operators. The coffin or container is inserted (charged) into the cremator as quickly as possible to avoid heat loss. Some crematoria allow relatives to view the charging. This is sometimes done for religious reasons, such as in traditional Hindu and Jain funerals,[46] and is also customary in Japan.[15]
Some of the various Protestant churches came to accept cremation, with the rationale being, "God can resurrect a bowl of ashes just as conveniently as he can resurrect a bowl of dust." In Anglican and Nordic Protestant countries, cremation gained acceptance (though did not yet become the norm) first by the higher classes and cultural circles, and then by the rest of the population.[21] In 1905, Westminster Abbey interred ashes for the first time; by 1911 the Abbey was expressing a preference for interring ashes.[29] The 1908 Catholic Encyclopedia was critical of the development, referring to them as a "sinister movement" and associating them with Freemasonry, although it said that "there is nothing directly opposed to any dogma of the Church in the practice of cremation."[30]
Born January 28, 1950 to Ralph and Jeanne Lorraine King, Ralph grew up on a farm in Flint, Michigan - a very small town where he also attended a 2-room schoolhouse. He had two sisters, Marg and Bonnie, and a brother, Jerry. Ralph was tempered by the hard life he had. It is said that when he went to sleep at night he had a glass of water on his nightstand, and when he woke up, the glass was full of ice. That says a lot about the hardiness, strength and endurance he had to develop. In his youth, he learned how to work hard and demonstrated self-discipline by raising horses all on his own, working jobs and bartering to get them. His love of coffee began at age 9 -- after he’d do his morning chores in the barn, he’d come into the house and his mom would give him a cup. On a farm, there are so many tasks that just have to get done, no questions asked.  Being a farmer, Ralph loved John Deere tractors, the best tractors in the world of course.
We deliver sympathy flowers, funeral sprays and wreaths, memorial plants, and sympathy gift baskets. Our flowers are grown in healthy, ideal conditions, so they remain fresh for at least seven days post-delivery. We work with local florists near you so that your flowers will arrive on time, and we have a gorgeous selection of same day delivery sympathy flowers to choose from.A funeral is often the most difficult day in someone’s life. Showing your support for those who are grieving is a matter not to be taken lightly. FTD’s superior customer service and quality products are sure to help you make a positive impact on those who are coping with loss.    

How much do you make owning a funeral home?
