Linda S____  Luke’s daycare provider writes , Dear Adrienne, Ben and Josh, “Our hearts are heavy with sadness. I loved taking care of Luke, even when he was naughty, I would look at his beautiful eyes and still loved him. He loved to run to the table at lunch to get his spot at the head of the table. I loved kissing his cheeks, but I don’t think he liked it because he would wipe it off. Luke would never leave unless he had his sucker. When there were no sucks left he would tell papa. I wanted to come and see him but I waited to long. I know someday I will see Luke in heaven, because I know Jesus in my heart.” Jesus said I am the truth and the life no one comes to the father but through me.” Love Dave and Linda.
           The apprentice was so excited to be left alone in the garden.  Each day he watered and fertilized each plant ever so carefully and gently.  He was especially fond of the amaryllis plant.  This plant was special because he knew it was going to bloom this dazzling red bloom around Christmas.  He so loved waking up each day to see how far the amaryllis had grown.  One day as he was tending to all the plants he noticed the amaryllis bud was ready to bloom, and he was for sure that tomorrow morning when he awoke he would get to see the glorious red bloom of the Christmas amaryllis.  The whole day was filled with anticipation and excitement to what the next day would bring.  The apprentice could hardly sleep.
We recently loss a family member to a car accident so it was very devastating for all of us. However, we are very thankful to have worked with the National Cremation & Burial Center in Oviedo. Mr. Chris Rhodes who is the director here was very patience in listening to our family’s wishes and accommodating them (even the unusual wishes due to our cultural beliefs). We also worked with Mr. Steven who was just as compassionate and helpful. Both Chris and Steven have went out of their way to make this event as painless for our family as possible. Thank you Chris and Steven for the great work that you do!!!
Most of us would collapse under the weight of these challenges. But, Luke was so much more than his fragile body conveyed.  Luke accepted  his challenge of cancer in the same way he accepted everything: with remarkable strength, tremendous courage and with an indominatable spirit.  His smile was like the sun coming out from behind a cloud, warming all that it touches. Luke conveyed more joy, contentment and hope than anything we could have imagined possible.  He came to this earth to teach each of us different lessons.   Learn from him, strive to be like him.  Do not let his legacy end. Talk about how his life was short, but touched many.

What does mortuary science consist of?

After the unexpected death of a family member, we were overwhelmed with the process of laying her to rest. Like anyone on a budget, I started calling around to get prices. It felt like an insensitive thing to do but cremation/burials is a competitive business, and believe me, the costs are startling. But then I called Oviedo’s National Cremation & Burial Society and their direct cremation option were surprisingly affordable – literally thousands less than the other local providers. Our family member made it known she wanted her ashes scattered at sea so a direct cremation worked for us. They even had biodegradable urns for sea burials. I had made my decision. Elizabeth Franco was the service manager who held our hands through this distressing time. She was kind, informative, and efficient. She maintained communication with us throughout the process and ensured we knew about all the keepsakes/services that their business provides to help preserve a memory. When we opted in, she offered guidance. When we opted out, she didn’t push. She replaced our stress with a sense of calm and that in itself was priceless. Elizabeth exemplifies what it means to serve during a time of crisis and hardship. I highly recommend Elizabeth and National Cremation & Burial Society.

Adrienne’s sister Annette said, “I love Lukey Luke as if he was my own son.  He is my daughter's best friend. I was talking to Elise about Luke dying and she said “its ok mom he still is going to be ok”. “I know that we have a strong family and that we will get through this trying time.  However, I know that it will never be over; the grief will change over time and be about Luke’s life not death.  I know that Luke is now with my father enjoying his new life, and I'm sure that my father is enjoying Luke.  Luke was such a beautiful boy.  Even in the 4 years he was here he was able to teach me that he was never predictable (nor is life), you never knew what he was going to do next “Love Aunty Annette
Our affordable plans have helped 100,000’s of Americans during one of life’s most challenging moments. We are proud to serve in Florida and to offer our families options to pre arrange with us. and residents can now make arrangements from the privacy of their home. Our simple 4 step process makes it easy to plan ahead. If at any point you have questions or would like to speak with one of our licensed funeral directors, just call our local office. We are here to help.
    I will miss Luke losing his Spiderman at my house and needing to bring some toy home until we found it, or just bringing home a toy because he knew we would let him. We would get a kick out of watching him play play station with Jeff and Josh and knowing the controller was not hooked up but he thought he was playing anyway.I could go on and on about what we will miss about Luke our family has a lot of memories,a lot of laughs,and a lot of cries.

           Those sunset moments it turned out were a metaphor for their life together. Molly kept fighting her disease to the end.  She thought she would have more time, she thought she could hold on until a cure was found.  So did her friends and family. Only in middle-of-the-night phone calls with Meghan and her friend Shaye would she admit that she was scared.  Despite considerable pain from the disease that was spreading through her body, Molly continued  working until October.

Robin Fisher and all the staff at the Oviedo location are consummate professionals who are a credit to their calling. You have taken care of our family for the second time and we cannot press our thanks adequately. Most of my family members are signed up with national Cremation secure in the knowledge that when our time comes they will take care of our families. Mike
In the 20th century, cremation gained varying degrees of acceptance in most Christian denominations. William Temple, the most senior bishop in the Church of England, was cremated after his death in office in 1944. The Roman Catholic Church accepted the practice more slowly. In 1963, at the Second Vatican Council Pope Paul VI lifted the ban on cremation,[38] and in 1966 allowed Catholic priests to officiate at cremation ceremonies. This is done on the condition that the ashes must be buried or interred, not scattered. Many countries where burial is traditional saw cremation rise to become a significant, if not the most common way of disposing of a dead body. In the 1960s and 1970s, there was an unprecedented phase of crematorium construction in the United Kingdom[15] and the Netherlands.[39]
At Baldwin-Fairchild Oviedo Funeral Home, we also recognize that funeral arrangements and associated expenses can be overwhelming. In addition to assisting during your immediate time of need, our funeral directors specialize in working with families to plan ahead. By preparing in advance, you provide a sense of relief, peace of mind and comfort for your loved ones while ensuring your wishes are met and your budget is kept. We are here to discuss these options should you wish to do so.

           Molly grew up in  northern California town, but spent her middle school and early high school years in Connecticut. Early on she showed evidence of the lively spirit that was her signature throughout her life. She was a tomboy, climbing trees, hiking in the woods and running around – once ending up on crutches for six months. She adored horses and always chose to go to ranch-style summer camps. During the summers when the family lived in the East, she and Bridget had a farm stand, selling corn and tomatoes from the family garden. By her senior year, the family moved back to California and Molly finished up at Saint Vincent High School  in Petaluma.
Today, about half of people decide that cremation is the right choice for them. Whether or not to be cremated is a personal decision that only you can make. The best way to make an informed decision is to learn as much as you can about it. We have a comprehensive section of information relating to cremation that can help you understand how the process works and what type of questions you should ask in order to decide what’s right for you. Visit our cremation section.

Is a funeral service necessary?

In Europe, a movement to reintroduce cremation as a viable method for body disposal began in the 1870s. This was made possible by the invention of new furnace technology and contact with eastern cultures that practiced it.[15] At the time, many proponents believed in the miasma theory, and that cremation would reduce the "bad air" that caused diseases.[16] These movements were associated with secularism and gained a following in cultural and intellectual circles.[15] In Italy, the movement was associated with anti-clericalism and Freemasonry, whereas these were not major themes of the movement in Britain.[9]
On behalf of the family, we thank everyone for the amazing and overwhelming outpouring of support, prayers and love that has been expresses to us over the past 6 months. A special thank you to everyone at University of Children’s Comer Hospital, The nurses, doctors, Child life department to name a few. Remember Luke, talk about his life, remember our wild little boy.  Lucas will now be with his Grandfather Richard Lanoue.

After the unexpected death of our daughter, Funeral Director Stephen ** guided us and assisted us with all of our needs. He coordinated with another funeral home to assist in the process due to the distance between our home and hers. He guarded and respected our privacy when we met in his office to discuss the details and make sensible decisions. He explained every detail. We didn't have to worry about a thing as he took care of everything. He continues to be available to assist us, answer questions and provide support.
Balinese Hindu dead are generally buried inside the container for a period of time, which may exceed one month or more, so that the cremation ceremony (Ngaben) can occur on an auspicious day in the Balinese-Javanese Calendar system ("Saka"). Additionally, if the departed was a court servant, member of the court or minor noble, the cremation can be postponed up to several years to coincide with the cremation of their Prince. Balinese funerals are very expensive and the body may be interred until the family can afford it or until there is a group funeral planned by the village or family when costs will be less. The purpose of burying the corpse is for the decay process to consume the fluids of the corpse, which allows for an easier, more rapid and more complete cremation.
Is there such a thing as a good funeral? After all, someone has died. We believe that a good funeral is a meaningful one. A life is commemorated, friends express their condolences, and a grieving family is comforted. The ceremony can take many forms, there is no right or wrong way to do it. There could be music and prayers, tears and laughter. At its conclusion, there is a general feeling that it was a fitting send off.
After the unexpected death of a family member, we were overwhelmed with the process of laying her to rest. Like anyone on a budget, I started calling around to get prices. It felt like an insensitive thing to do but cremation/burials is a competitive business, and believe me, the costs are startling. But then I called Oviedo’s National Cremation & Burial Society and their direct cremation option were surprisingly affordable – literally thousands less than the other local providers. Our family member made it known she wanted her ashes scattered at sea so a direct cremation worked for us. They even had biodegradable urns for sea burials. I had made my decision. Elizabeth Franco was the service manager who held our hands through this distressing time. She was kind, informative, and efficient. She maintained communication with us throughout the process and ensured we knew about all the keepsakes/services that their business provides to help preserve a memory. When we opted in, she offered guidance. When we opted out, she didn’t push. She replaced our stress with a sense of calm and that in itself was priceless. Elizabeth exemplifies what it means to serve during a time of crisis and hardship. I highly recommend Elizabeth and National Cremation & Burial Society.
In his leisure time Ralph could be found working on a building project, playing with his grandchildren, or curled up on his favorite green leather chair under his favorite afghan, watching John Wayne movies. He loved John Wayne, and had a whole collection of his movies on VHS – it was a running joke that he was probably the only person in town who still had VHS tapes and watched them.
My mother death was a sudden  shock  to us .She passed away on June 14, 2017 .It was a very difficult moment for all of us in the family! Chris was with us every step of the way even after regular business hours, he did such a fantastic job  from the initial of my 1st call he help  us  to pick up the right  casket till the end of the process On behalf of my family .I would like to thank the entire staff of Oviedo National Cremation & particularly Chris for his professionalism, kindness support .I  would  highly recommend... Read More

Burial is a known source of certain environmental contaminants, with the major ones being formaldehyde and the coffin itself. Cremation can also release contaminants, such as mercury from dental fillings.[73] In some countries such as the United Kingdom, the law now requires that cremators be fitted with abatement equipment (filters) that remove serious pollutants such as mercury.
When you have experienced the loss of a loved one, you can trust us to guide you through the arrangements necessary to create a meaningful ceremony that celebrates the unique life being honored. Our staff is committed to providing the highest quality care and service in your time of need, and we take pride in our responsibility to lighten your burden as you take the first steps toward healing.
We mourn our loss of a good husband, father, grandfather, father-in-law, son-in-law, and friend. There is a sense of unfairness that Ralph’s life would end just a couple of years before retirement, which he had many plans for. We mourn his dreams that will never be fulfilled. An old proverb says that: “Life is short, but wide”. Ralph’s life may have been shorter than we hoped it would be, but it was crafted meticulously with his own hands and filled wide with many, many happy moments spent with his family, whom he deeply loved.
Cremated remains are returned to the next of kin in different manners according to custom and country. In the United States, the cremated remains are almost always contained in a thick watertight polyethylene plastic bag contained within a hard snap-top rectangular plastic container, which is labeled with a printed paper label. The basic sealed plastic container bag may be contained within a further cardboard box or velvet sack, or they may be contained within an urn if the family had already purchased one. An official certificate of cremation prepared under the authority of the crematorium accompanies the remains, and if required by law, the permit for disposition of human remains, which must remain with the cremated remains.
Cremations can be "delivery only", with no preceding chapel service at the crematorium (although a church service may have been held) or preceded by a service in one of the crematorium chapels. Delivery-only allows crematoria to schedule cremations to make best use of the cremators, perhaps by holding the body overnight in a refrigerator, allowing a lower fee to be charged. Delivery-only is sometimes called west chapel service in industry jargon.[citation needed]

After everything was said and done, and when we already had my dad’s remains, she called just to see how we were doing to see if we had any more questions which I found to be absolutely beyond my expectations. National Cremation provided top-notch service. I have no complaints and only compliments to them. We were very happy with the service and the help. It was an excellent experience.
Our compassionate experts can walk you through every step of the cremation process, including the care for and preparation of the body (which varies depending on religious requirements and type of service chosen), planning a unique funeral or memorial service that reflects the individual, choosing a burial option and selecting family keepsakes. We offer cremation packages to fit your family tradition, personal wishes and budget.
^ "Cremation". Catholic Encyclopedia. The Encyclopedia Press. In conclusion, it must be remembered that there is nothing directly opposed to any dogma of the Church in the practice of cremation, and that, if ever the leaders of this sinister movement so far control the governments of the world as to make this custom universal, it would not be a lapse in the faith confided to her were she obliged to conform.

At Baldwin-Fairchild Oviedo Funeral Home, we also recognize that funeral arrangements and associated expenses can be overwhelming. In addition to assisting during your immediate time of need, our funeral directors specialize in working with families to plan ahead. By preparing in advance, you provide a sense of relief, peace of mind and comfort for your loved ones while ensuring your wishes are met and your budget is kept. We are here to discuss these options should you wish to do so.
We use a variety of flowers in our funeral arrangements, like:●       Daisies●       Lilies●       Orchids●       Roses●       HydrangeasThese are popular funeral flowers because they have symbolic meaning pertaining to loss. However, any arrangement of flowers may be appropriate at a funeral. Although white flowers are most commonly associated with loss, colorful flowers may be helpful in brightening up the atmosphere. Flowers with springtime colors are optimal because spring is often associated with rebirth and hopefulness.
When you arrive at the cemetery, a cemetery representative will meet you and give you the deceased’s burial documents. They’ll lead you, and others who are gathered to honor the deceased, to a committal shelter. The committal service takes place at this location, not at the gravesite, and lasts for about 20 minutes. The burial happens after the committal service.
Not everyone knows that there are many cremation options. If you are interested in cremation, the funeral home team can explain the process and different options. From a direct cremation without a memorial service or a witness cremation to a full funeral service before or after the cremation and more, we help you understand this increasingly common choice—and handle all of the cremation arrangements.
Hinduism and Jainism are notable for not only allowing but prescribing cremation. Cremation in India is first attested in the Cemetery H culture (from c. 1900 BCE), considered the formative stage of Vedic civilization. The Rigveda contains a reference to the emerging practice, in RV 10.15.14, where the forefathers "both cremated (agnidagdhá-) and uncremated (ánagnidagdha-)" are invoked.
In the Middle East and Europe, both burial and cremation are evident in the archaeological record in the Neolithic era. Cultural groups had their own preferences and prohibitions. The ancient Egyptians developed an intricate transmigration-of-soul theology, which prohibited cremation. This was also widely adopted by Semitic peoples. The Babylonians, according to Herodotus, embalmed their dead. Early Persians practiced cremation, but this became prohibited during the Zoroastrian Period. Phoenicians practiced both cremation and burial. From the Cycladic civilisation in 3000 BCE until the Sub-Mycenaean era in 1200–1100 BCE, Greeks practiced inhumation. Cremation appeared around the 12th century BCE, constituting a new practice of burial, probably influenced by Anatolia. Until the Christian era, when inhumation again became the only burial practice, both combustion and inhumation had been practiced, depending on the era and location.[8] Romans practiced both, with cremation the rule until the later imperial period.[citation needed]

My father recently passed last week and Robin Fisher was excellent through the entire process. She was able to guide me through the process and even arranged a small viewing for my out of town family in a very short notice. My father looked great when they arrived and I can tell he was in good hands. The cremation process was quick and I had my father's remains back home where he belongs. I can't say enough about how great this place is and the people that are there to help me through this very difficult time. Thank you Robin.

           It is important for a mom to be a good cook and Molly was.  She loved to barbecue and make her kids’ favorites for their birthdays – cheesecake for Megan and chocolate mousse pie for Colter.  From her days as a child in California, Molly carried with her a love of the ocean and many family vacations were spent near a beach so she could share this experience with her children.
Cremation may serve as a funeral or post-funeral rite and as an alternative to the burial or interment of an intact dead body. In some countries, including India and Nepal, cremation on an open-air pyre is an ancient tradition. Starting in the 19th century, cremation was introduced or reintroduced into other parts of the world. In modern times, cremation is commonly carried out with a closed furnace (cremator), at a crematorium.
Debra received her degree in Mortuary Science from American Academy McAllister Institute in New York then worked as a Licensed Funeral Director/Embalmer for many years before relocating to Florida in 2004. After working a few years as a Licensed Embalmer in Orlando, she took some time off to be the primary caregiver for her elderly father. Debra joined the Oviedo team in 2019. She is very happy to be back and proud to be serving our families as they are going through their most difficult times. In her free time she and her longtime partner love traveling and spending time with their family and friends - especially their fur baby, Kyson!

           With her children  on their own, Molly had more time for herself and was able to focus on activities such as redecorating, listening to her favorite music on CDs and growing roses.  The gardening was a further extension of her green thumb. She had always had lots of house plants and many people commented that her home resembled a jungle inside. Molly also loved the natural environment and hated to see the desecration of the desert.

How can I have a cheap funeral?

When you arrived you received a stone, these are called blessing stone’s, Luke loved ‘rocks’, he often gave them to his parents for gifts. Since we desire so much for this family, I ask that you think about a wish or a blessing that you have for Ben, Adrienne and Joshua and at the end of the ceremony please place your stone in the vase in the hallway, they will display the vase in their home and think of all your warm thoughts.
However, Protestant churches welcomed the use of cremation at a much earlier date than the Catholic Church; pro-cremation sentiment was not unanimous among Protestants, however.[96] The first crematoria in the Protestant countries were built in the 1870s, and in 1908, the Dean and Chapter of Westminster Abbey—one of the most famous Anglican churches—required that remains be cremated for burial in the abbey's precincts.[97] Today, "scattering", or "strewing," is an acceptable practice in many Protestant denominations, and some churches have their own "garden of remembrance" on their grounds in which remains can be scattered. Other groups also support cremation. Some denominations, like Lutheran churches in Scandinavia, favour the urns being buried in family graves. A family grave can contain urns of many generations and also the urns of spouses and loved ones.
We deliver sympathy flowers, funeral sprays and wreaths, memorial plants, and sympathy gift baskets. Our flowers are grown in healthy, ideal conditions, so they remain fresh for at least seven days post-delivery. We work with local florists near you so that your flowers will arrive on time, and we have a gorgeous selection of same day delivery sympathy flowers to choose from.A funeral is often the most difficult day in someone’s life. Showing your support for those who are grieving is a matter not to be taken lightly. FTD’s superior customer service and quality products are sure to help you make a positive impact on those who are coping with loss.    

How much do you make owning a funeral home?
