With her children  on their own, Molly had more time for herself and was able to focus on activities such as redecorating, listening to her favorite music on CDs and growing roses.  The gardening was a further extension of her green thumb. She had always had lots of house plants and many people commented that her home resembled a jungle inside. Molly also loved the natural environment and hated to see the desecration of the desert.

How can I have a cheap funeral?

With the passing of my mother on January 31, all I really knew was she had pre-paid for her service with National Cremation Society. After making a few calls to various areas, I finally got an answer in their Tampa office who immediately told me that New Smyrna was in the Oviedo area. With one answer of the phone, NCS took over the entire situation with speed and professionalism. Stephen and his entire staff handled everything from pickup to shipment of the remains to Pennsylvania. My wife and I couldn’t be more grateful and are now considering having NCS handle our passing.

Are coffins airtight?

We deliver sympathy flowers, funeral sprays and wreaths, memorial plants, and sympathy gift baskets. Our flowers are grown in healthy, ideal conditions, so they remain fresh for at least seven days post-delivery. We work with local florists near you so that your flowers will arrive on time, and we have a gorgeous selection of same day delivery sympathy flowers to choose from.A funeral is often the most difficult day in someone’s life. Showing your support for those who are grieving is a matter not to be taken lightly. FTD’s superior customer service and quality products are sure to help you make a positive impact on those who are coping with loss.    

How much do you make owning a funeral home?

Suzie was born in 1977, and John in 1978. That same year, the family moved to Commerce and Ralph built a house there. Suzie and John’s earliest memories are of this house and its construction. Suzie remembers playing in the yard. John remembers the time they dug a hole in the backyard, and Ralph drove his tractor into it, not knowing the hole was there; and how they had to pull the tractor out. Linda says Ralph had the patience of a saint with the kids-- both their own, and the neighborhood kids. In the Fall, the maple trees on their property would shed tons of leaves. The kids would come to rake, but end up jumping and playing in the piles. Ralph would say nothing, and the next day, clean up the leaves properly. During this time, Ralph also went to college on the GI bill, and worked full time while attending school full time. John says his Dad would lock himself in the bedroom to study. Linda remembers how Ralph struggled with English and she helped him. As was consistent with his dedicated personality, Ralph persevered and received his two-year degree from Oakland Community College, with honors.

What happens when a family can't afford a funeral?

           The apprentice was so excited to be left alone in the garden.  Each day he watered and fertilized each plant ever so carefully and gently.  He was especially fond of the amaryllis plant.  This plant was special because he knew it was going to bloom this dazzling red bloom around Christmas.  He so loved waking up each day to see how far the amaryllis had grown.  One day as he was tending to all the plants he noticed the amaryllis bud was ready to bloom, and he was for sure that tomorrow morning when he awoke he would get to see the glorious red bloom of the Christmas amaryllis.  The whole day was filled with anticipation and excitement to what the next day would bring.  The apprentice could hardly sleep.
Welcome. I am Elizabeth P______, a Funeral Celebrant. On behalf of the Q____ family, I thank everyone for coming to support the family and to honor the life of Ralph Q______. I also thank the Oakland Funeral Home and Anthony F_______ for their caring service to the family during this emotional time. After the ceremony, the family invites you to join them at the Elm St. Grill, which is just around the corner from here. They also ask you to sign the guestbook. Please take a moment to turn off your cell phones, thank you.
For Ralph, punctuality was #1. His co-worker and friend, Dennis, remembers how Ralph endeared himself to his co-workers because he would arrive at work an hour to an hour and a half early every morning. He’d change into his uniform, make a pot of coffee, and relieve the worker who was on duty. If Ralph were ever late for anything, he’d be in a bad mood all day. At home and at work at the U.S. Mint, one could always count on Ralph to have a pot of good strong coffee prepared. Dennis remembers the time fellow co-worker Joe Deleo served Ralph a cup  – Ralph took a sip and tasted cinnamon in it. He was so upset- just could not believe anyone would put cinnamon in coffee. The guys never let him live that down.

We deliver sympathy flowers, funeral sprays and wreaths, memorial plants, and sympathy gift baskets. Our flowers are grown in healthy, ideal conditions, so they remain fresh for at least seven days post-delivery. We work with local florists near you so that your flowers will arrive on time, and we have a gorgeous selection of same day delivery sympathy flowers to choose from.A funeral is often the most difficult day in someone’s life. Showing your support for those who are grieving is a matter not to be taken lightly. FTD’s superior customer service and quality products are sure to help you make a positive impact on those who are coping with loss.    

How much do you make owning a funeral home?
